That's so cool, I love it!
So cool
So cool
How wonderful!
That cake looks amazing!
I played that game not long ago, it's entertaining.
One question, what Fireman Sam designs are those drawings based on (books, promotional).
Here they are my friend, I did my best.
The third image I could not recreate because I did not have the image of Jupiter.
I can! Leave it with me
It would be a good idea
that's really cool, I love it
I liked when Norman was naughty, but innocent at the same time, that Norman who cared about his mother.
The Norman of series 5, is almost the same as the one in the original series, although because of him several fires occurred.
Talking about the CGI series, I just don't like it. He becomes very annoying, he doesn't care much about his mother, he treats his friends a little bit bad, he wants to be the center of attention.
(Fans of the CGI series or Norman, don't get me wrong, it's my opinion, if you like this series and this character, it's ok).
And as the others say, mix Norman from series 1-4 with Norman from series 5