Same from all of us! 🎃
Great balls of fire! He's back!
Hot and Cold Running Sniffer Dog.
@Nelly The Ultimate Oh right, I see.
Hannah's got a new voice. I honestly don't blame Jo Wyatt for wanting to quit the series at this point considering how awful it's become.
Norman Price!
That is lovely! Well done!
"Right, let's go!"
@AnnieMorrisEpisodeThree What I mean is, people are allowed to say negative stuff about Fireman Sam if they want to. So don't just go around telling people not to.
@AnnieMorrisEpisodeThree Respect people's opinions.
@The Lothian Buses Hub They probably haven't even seen your Fireman Sam movie TBH.
@Anymosy Probably, yes.
@The Lothian Buses Hub I very much doubt it will be.
It's funny you should come across this, because Sam actually plays one of these buzzer games in the CGI episode Wicker Bear.
Undeniably the best of the CGI specials.
@Amber pop princess I don't take requests.