Who do you think should be the replacement actor for Steele, Boyce, Mike, Tom and Trevor, now that David Carling has passed away?
Who do you think should be the replacement actor for Steele, Boyce, Mike, Tom and Trevor, now that David Carling has passed away?
I found this when I got up this morning.
Strange though, it doesn’t sound like the theme, the music is there, but it’s not the theme.
Hey everyone, first I want to say I know it’s been a while since I last work on my Fireman Sam Redesign series, we’ll I want to say I’m still working on it, i just been busy with other things that’s all.
Now to reason why I’m making this post
Everyone, i would like you all to meet my redesign take on…
Trevor Evans
Who also goes by the nickname, Trevor the bus.
His bus drivers outfit is based on this page form the classic Fireman Sam books
Now as we all know, Trevor is the bus driver for Pontypandy, he travels to Newtown and back with a smiled on his face.
When his not driving the bus, he likes to pop over to see Dilys and Bella at the high street, he likes to practice on his ukulele Margery, he like to help his friends out in anyway he can and likes to do a spot of gardening, ever at home or at the allotment.
His not a big fan of going up high place, and likes to keep his feet on the grown.
Apart from being Trevor the bus, his also known as Auxiliary Fireman Evans, who works along side with Sam, Elvis, Penny and the other fire fighters.
Now Trevor has another job he enjoys doing, when he gets time off, he helps Sam with the Pontypandy Pioneers, Sam’s the leader of the Pioneer, while Trevor is second in command. However if Sam was in duty, Trevor would be a temporary leader until Sam comes back.
From his time of being a Boy Scout, his the only one to show up in a uniform for the pioneers, even though his doesn’t have to.
(I hope you like my bio on my take on Trevor, and if you have more ideas for Trevor, let me know)
Now before i forget I would like to say about Trevor’s neckerchief. Now I know that some of you like Trevor wearing a tie, like in the cgi series.
But I had trouble deciding on what to give him. However I had a thought about the neckerchief, I’ve found out that Trevor was the only bus driver to wear one, all the other bus driver wear ties.
Now this made me thought about Sam’s quiff, on how it made him unique and stand out. So I thought that the neckerchief made Trevor look unique and stand out more.
So I hope you understand at I don’t mind what Trevor wears, but I believe that the neckerchief is right for he’s redesign look.
However, I do see it making sense. Sam living at 3 Vale road and Trevor living at either 1 Vale road or 5 Vale road
31 Votes in Poll
Hey guys, I was wondering if I can ask you all something?
Could Trevor’s bus driver uniform still work if he was wearing it in today’s time, or would it have to be changed to fit with todays times?
36 Votes in Poll
Hello everyone, do you remember the poster I made of Fireman Sam?
Well I wanted to ask you if you wanted to see other characters with that same design (original series, series 5 and CGI series) right now I'm working on Elvis and Penny
Now, what I was wondering, which characters do you want to see?
1. Trevor
2. Bella
3. Dilys
4. Naughty Norman Price
5. Sarah and James
6. Rosa
16 Votes in Poll
Flat Tyre is Trevor Evans’ most finest moment on the whole show.
And he literally cracks me up in this episode.
Which is notable at the end of the episode where he fails to catch the spare tyre again as Sam says “Ohhh Trevor!”
Definitely his best moment in all of the original series.
What is your favorite Fireman Sam character?
Mine are these, Sam, Elvis, Bella and Trevor
It's Trevor Evans man.
That's right, today I made a new Pontypandy's finest of the man who drives the Pontypandy Bus.
Requested by @Bumper Films Fan 93 and many others.
For the background, I made a custom Nee Nah background of Trevor's tie patten.
This Pontypandy's Finest icon was inspired by the Unlucky tug's icon of Sodor's Finest for Hero.
Sorry I didn't started working on this sooner. Hopefully I'll work on more Pontypandy's Finest in the future.
I hope you all like it.
22 Votes in Poll
Hey everyone, I need some advice. What do you think Trevor Evan’s garden from series 1 to 4 looks like?
Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone here would know how to get the engine sound or Trevor bus when it’s moving from series 1 to 4
Laddies and gentle men, OG fans and Trevor fans.
I would like to finally show you all my own take on Trevor Evan's classic theme From Series 1 to series 4.
I made this a while back and I'm sorry for taking this long to upload it, but I had laptop trouble. so now I finally get to show you the theme I made.
And that's not all, thanks to my friend @Bumper Films Fan 93 I made an custom extended version Of Trevor's theme. the extended version was inspired by the best of Trevor video that @Bumper Films Fan 93 made on his YouTube channel.
On and I would like to say to fans on OG Fireman Sam and to my friends @FSM2 and @Bumper Films Fan 93 , you can used these themes for your videos, just make sure you give credit to who made it, sorry if i sounded rude there
Hope you all like them both
File:Trevor-Evans-theme-series1-to-4.mp3 | Fireman Sam Wiki | Fandom
File:Trevor-Evans-theme-series1-to-4 (Custom extended version).mp3 | Fireman Sam Wiki | Fandom